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WUBRG Attempt - Tohguht

- - - - - WUBRG wooberg woohberg

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I personally like the term 'GUWBR' (goober) better, but hey, that's just me.  Moving on.


This is my first attempt at a WUBRG card.  My first draft was JUST making use of the Amplify / Changeling meta, but I figured that was too little for too much, so I gave it Absorb 2.  Probably still too little, but that's for you to decide.









Here's the way the Amplify / Changeling meta works; a card with Amplify gains +X/+X on summoning by revealing creature cards of the same type from your hand.  Any number.  Changeling effectively gives the card itself EVERY creature type possible simultaneously, meaning that you can reveal ANY creature card and it will gain +1/+1 from that creature.  As it stands, the card is relatively powerful even without Changeling if you use it in a Sorcerer-heavy deck, starting with 4/4 and Absorb 2 (meaning you need to do 6 damage in total to destroy it). Oh, and as for the art - you might not be able to see it, but each of its eyes (5 of them) correlates to a different color of mana sans colorless.


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I think it's a little OP'd. I would make it 2 colorless for the effect or, if Changeling isn't a real effect, have Changeling just let you choose which type of creature you have it be.




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Under normal circumstances I'd agree with you, however - the total Mana cost to use it effectively (with its Kicker cost) is 15 mana, which is about as much (if not the same as) Emrakul of the Aeons Torn, who is actually a *LOT* more powerful than this card.


EDIT:  Oh, and Changeling is a real effect.  It usually goes with Tribals.




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I feel like this card is very lackluster because when are you gonna have a bunch of cards in your hand to reveal, especially late enough in the game to have the 9 mana to cast it and all 5 colors, plus assuming you don't extend your hand size, the biggest it can be is a 10/10, assuming best case scenario. Also is absorb a real MTG ability? Or did you just create it? And if you did create it, I feel like he should be a Sorceror Ooze. Because Oozes absorb things IMO.


You might want to consider Sunburst instead of Amplify. And maybe make the kicker give it Changeling, and "As long as this creature has Changeling it gets...blah blah blah", or "gives other creatures you control that share a creature type with it... blah blah blah." 


I hope you find my input helpful. :)




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Sunburst isn't needed considering it'll just get 5 additional S/T right off the bat due to it being WUBRG, so I might as well just make it a 9/9 rather than give it Sunburst.  Absorb IS an actual ability, but I just slapped it on there because I felt it needed something extra.  I'm in the process of rethinking this card and giving it another clever keyword combo with a less-costly Kicker ability, so, y'know.  Yeah.  It's in the works.  Thanks for the input, though.

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