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Chromanticore- WTF Wizards!

Born of the Gods 5-colored bananas

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I DARE you to post something more epic and unplayable in the unglued-section.

Seriously, Wizards is going NUTS on the Theros-Block!



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Do you still feel this way now that the sets been out awhile?


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Totally. It lacks the uber-flavor of Innistrad, but I admire the effort they put into some of the mechanics. Also I had some luck with my Fat Pack, so yes, still feel that way.

Btw one month is not a while. The time till the next set, THAT is a while.




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I've been playing it in a BANT deck for the past month and have been having a lot of success with it. When you are able to make it work your opponents tend to loose very quickly. Bestowing makes it even harder to deal with. I personally like it and the way the mechanics of my deck work together.


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Seriously? You get that BEAST of a joke working? In Bant? You, Sir, did not win the internet, but most certainly this forum.




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I like making cards work that everyone says are bad. Chromatic Lantern fixes your mana problems and suddenly you have all 5 colors. Only mana dork in the deck is Sylvan Carytid which also works for fixing mana. Kiora and Elspeth add to fun. My favorite chromaticore bestow was on a 9/9 Kraken.

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