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The new walkers

planeswalkers plainwalker

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Meet the new face of the walkers of planes:


note the point of this card isjust to point out how similar planeswalking is with plainwalking: Gero can walk plains, but chandra can not; chandra can walk planes, but Gero can not.;




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srry this is the card :P

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It is spelt "Planeswalker", just saying ;)


Hm. What do you mean by "has planewalk"?


You should set other card names like that = "card name" Like that a reader can easily tell if you connect your card text with other cards.

"War is deception, a game best played... from the Shadows."





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This card is meant to be funny because instead of walking planes it walks plains. In magic every world is on its own plane. Planeswalkers as we know them can walk between the aethar from one plane to another plane (thous PLANEwalker). In magic there is also an abilty called "-walk". This can be swampwalk, islad walk, mountionwalk, forestwalk, or plains walk. These ablities allow the creature to be unbloackable if the player they are attack has a tat they can walk. Ths creature for instance can walk plains (white mana source). Iposted this picture to be a funny joke about how planeswalkers and plainswalkers sound similarer but can be very different.

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: planeswalkers, plainwalker

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