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I was reading about a new set of cards coming out soon called the conspiracy booster aimed at large multiplayer formats and to this end I came up with these cards that are a tad broken for their drops, but exist more for the flavour than anything, based off the model of 


Attached File  example.jpg   66.22KB   0 downloads


So here they are. 


Attached File  Greencard.jpeg   205.61KB   0 downloads Attached File  Redcard.jpeg   228.62KB   0 downloads Attached File  WhiteCard.jpeg   171.64KB   0 downloadsAttached File  bluecard.jpeg   203.55KB   0 downloads  Attached File  BlackCard.jpeg   174.03KB   0 downloads


I'll try to add in some multicolored ones when I figure out how to do split mana (or I'll just go with a two color dedicated cost, not sure)




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Split color casting cost is impossible in MCM- MSE has everything and is reliable.


As far as card quality goes, they are rather, well.... random. I mean, the way it effects the players so differently for different decks. Also, there are no tie vote effects listed, and for the red one, it would ultimately be a one player choice. The white one lets you target yourself- which is not really fitting. The rest is just minor syntax errors I won't bother with, but nice job with these!

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