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Tricolor Cards!

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I see little to no tricolor cards that really fit the theme of every color in it. So I'd like to challenge you guys to make something cool, balanced and well thought out with three(or more) colors! No reward, no winner probably, just an interesting little challenge.


Anyways, I decided to try to make a little something to start this off.


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Here two simples tricolor cards






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 I may make more as time goes by, but here is my first card.

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Whipped this up really quick. I don't know who the artist is~


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Here's my take on B U R, elegant self service with a bit of heavy handedness and impulsiveness when needed I present for your consideration, Falderon, the Freeblade!


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With two powerful tribals, three powerful colors, and one all around fantastic body Falderon has all you'd ever desire in a commander, the best control of Blue, the burns of red, the sheer power... at a price... from Black! In addition to all your old Grixis favourites!


In addition I include Enduin, Amesha of Pride, he's just bursting with flavourful Bant goodness.


Attached File  Enduin Amesha of Pride.jpg   49.36KB   0 downloads

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