I saw that alot of people here watch anime what is your favorites?
For curious this is my all times favorites
3-Ano hana
5-Tiger and Bunny
I saw that alot of people here watch anime what is your favorites?
For curious this is my all times favorites
3-Ano hana
5-Tiger and Bunny
2-Hellsing OVA
3-Fullmetal Alcemist
But at the moment I'm watching "Tokyo Ghoul" 3 episodes so far but do your self a favor and tune in every Thursday its dark but oh is it great.
Regards Aztegio.
i dont understand the last half of you last sentence XD and how much time you passed watchig anime?
i dont understand the last half of you last sentence XD and how much time you passed watchig anime?
That its a new Anime and its worth a watch and about 3-5 hours a week.
Regards Aztegio
Oh that nice i stopped for now work and creating cards take almost all of my time. and i know what is tokyo ghoul but im not interested for now sadly
my favourite anime
death note
blue exorcist
naruto shippuden
fullmetal alchemist
Shingeki no kyojin (attack on titan)
One piece
not in any order
charak you and me will get along nicely great anime's. Fairy tail is great dont know why i didn't put it in my top anime when it should be. SNK and one piece are great anime by naruto do you mean shippuden first series or both because in my opinion only four things were worth watching in the first series. Naruto V Sasuke, Orochimaru V 3rd Hokage, Naruto V Gaara, Rock lee V Gaara. bleach is good but too full of filler great anime poor execution.
i agree with the bleach comment
and the naruto one yes the first series was a bit bland to my taste
Snk and one piece are master-crafted animes
i feel a little bit sad because in the manga the first half before shipuden was actualy more interesting than in the anime.
sertar we all agree naruto first half could have been better than it was containing a 100+ filler episodes didn't help its chances though
I have a new anime to add to my favourites list zero no tsukaima and its follow ups zero no tsukaima futatsuki no kishi, zero no tsukaima princess no rondo and zero no tsukaima F
My favorites are as follows:
1. Sword Art Online
2. Deathnote
3. Code Geass
4. Fullmetal Alchemist
5. Fairy Tail
I've tried one piece, wasn't my style, I watched all of Spice and Wolf, though that was just a little weak on action, I watched a few episodes of Hellsing and decided against more, I have been considering watching Trigun, but the art's a little old, I am currently watching Fairy Tail, but I think I might stop, and watch Tokyo Ghoul which I have not seen yet. I've watched Bleach episodes 1-62, decided that was enough for the story, then watched 308, 309, and 310 just for the epic fight. I don't watch Naruto, I have decided against it.
Oh and seeing as how I haven't seen Sword Art Online mentioned here, I'll mention it's awesome, until it gets to the second part, which I didn't like nearly as much.
Well loli if you dont have a anime to watch for now ill sugest you tiger and bunny im 70% sure that you will like it.
great anime's lolilord but I was the first to mention sword art online (SAO) and i agree the anime is amazing. If you like SAO watch accel world, its great and its created y the same person as SAO. In my opinion after watching it zero no tsukaima is my favourite anime because it has everything you want in an anime. combat, check. romance, big check. humour, full of the stuff. plot, flawless. characters, great and well created. after watching it i found the creator died of cancer last years age 41 RIP noburu yamaguchi.
Ah yes I did not see that you had mentioned SAO up there, and I have heard of both those animes and have considered watching them. I also am waiting for the second season of SAO- Gun Gale Online.
I am for some reason having a childhood-nostalgia blast with Detective Conan - dont judge me, just wanted to get this said.
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