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Looking for prospects

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hello im looking for input and additions for my set hunt for forgotten magic so i'll lay out the story


five color factions

WB - gravebearers

GB - feran (fera is village name, hunters)

fix!: UG - islander / archeologists (they are green blue not black blue my mistake / plan is to return old green and blue abilities and spells/ uncovered lab is from urza and his time while studying spells ant artifacts from before him <some survive and six will be spells that are game changing for the dragon line.)

RU - dragonbearer (monks that study dragon spells)

RW - holy knights (royal city, archbishop is king)


knights and gravebearers always scuffle while trying to remove one another. feran village is always within the deep woods that cover 2/3 of the continent as the islanders are on smaller lands with some covered in woods. one island holds the grand library with its cult of archeologists that scourer the world in search of old spells and artifacts. the dragonbearers are monks that seek a power that can keep a peace they believe the dragons hold. trouble stirred when the archeologists found an old lab on a large wooded island. the intrigue began when they noticed that the lab was of a foreign world and with their best translations they called it the urden lab from its lost owner. this caught the attention of some of the gravebearer members and they sought its powers. some notes that where translated said that six artifacts and spells where to powerful for any one mage so he enlisted the protection of the dragons for these items so the race to the six dragons are on.



hope to see some good spells that can be used with this and comments are always considered.


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I think you should try to advance into territory the guilds of Ravnica did not portray already.

For example, the Orzhov Syndicate DID a fairly good job at playing around with lifegain, but black and white also share their ability to get shit back from the graveyard; Solid point to base something called "gravebearers" in.

The Feran could really benefit from black and green's combined strive for survival and their affinity to ambush (they both share regenerate, deathtouch, and graveyard-triggers)

Blue really tends to play around with artifacts, but black benefits more from blue's hexproof/flying/flash, while it synergizes with its unblockable and mill; It will be much more complicated to differ those from the Dimir.

The Izzet put a lot of emphasis on red and blue's shared desire for magic tricks, but your dragonbearer sound like they have a lot of creature focus; Although I can't think of that much way to help you there, I'm excited to see what you'll draw out of this potential.

With RW being somekind of theocracy, try to do alot with enchantments, artifacts etc, make creatures that benefit a more defensive, playstyle; Instead of Red charging with the coordination of white, try white building up to strike with the devastating Fury of red.




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these are the six spells the dragons hide and also very limited printing

i could use some art as well


Attached File  Broken Reality.jpg   37.13KB   0 downloadsAttached File  Great Balls of Fire.jpg   52.25KB   0 downloadsAttached File  Hidden Paradise.jpg   32.36KB   0 downloadsAttached File  Spirit of the Elderfolk.jpg   45.79KB   0 downloadsAttached File  The Reapers Playground.jpg   47.32KB   0 downloadsAttached File  Obelisk of Dominaria.jpg   38.09KB   0 downloads


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All of these are extremely underpriced.

Especially The Reapers Playground (which sounds super unglued btw) and Spirit of the Elderfolk; It shares its cost with Asceticism, and you what that does? ONLY hexproof for your creatures (well, and regenerate but who gives a damn about that...).

Great Balls of Fire (another super unglued name lol) has to be redesigned completely. It's just nutz; Put that in my goblin deck and I can use it to OBLITERATE any chance for an opponent to get a foothold for the rest of the match; At turn 4!

You need to get those effects under control or they will destroy us all.




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i made them in ten minutes and they do need work but i need six spells that are in essence as broken as the beginning of the urza block since the spells would be some he studied and considered to powerful for anyone to have so cards or ideas would be lovely, that and the fact that exmortis is the only one posting is kind of a let down since it seems my set ideas are not that great :(


  • Guests

The problem are not your ideas, but the execution. If this is supposed to be a cycle, give them all more or less less the same mana cost, a huge one, if you want the spells to be super strong.

Then you need something they all share in common. Look at the Preator-creatures from New Phyrexia. None of their actual abilities are in any way related, except for the structure (granting their controller a passiv overall strong bonus, while doing the exact opposite to their opponent), or the Sun's Zenit cycle from Mirrodin Besieged, were the cards showed a strong exponentially stronger effect (X) suitable for their respective color that also shuffled the card back into the library.


Try to connect the cards, make them equally strong, but without breaking them.




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how is this for the BIG six

Attached File  ASpirit of Hope.jpg   35.5KB   0 downloadsAttached File  ASpirit of Awakening.jpg   37.97KB   0 downloadsAttached File  ASpirit of the withering winds.jpg   47.45KB   0 downloadsAttached File  ASpirit of Rage.jpg   53.51KB   0 downloadsAttached File  ASpirit of the Elderfolk.jpg   51.36KB   0 downloadsAttached File  ASpirit of Eternity.jpg   40.41KB   0 downloads

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