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Heart Attacks OP.


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Lol, well this is what happens when you don't exercise and eat junk food, so I figured I'd make a magic card of it, seeing as how it's just as dangerous as well.... this cards' art. (Hehehe) Anyway, I tried to capture the core elements of a heart attack in an unglued funny way.


Enjoy! if anyone else has an idea for an update to this card, or maybe another unglued card that relates to something like a heart attack, just show it in a reply below!

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I must say, this card starts out weak, but steadily becomes more powerful. The color choice is interesting, but also fitting. Overall, I approve of it. My only question is about the art. Where did it come from?




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I'm not positive due to how long ago I made this, but I believe the source was Deviantart.

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: Joke

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