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4-colour commanders 2/5

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4-colour design is probably the most difficult, so I might not even have all of them done by any definition of a reasonable timespan.



Hails from a world where individuality has almost completely been suppressed by a total government with control over most of the plane's mana. Powerful sources and users of red and black mana, such as dragons and demons, have been blocked from entering the inner boundaries of the plane. Free-will still exists, but is harvested as a form of energy; most of those who believe themselves to be free are, in fact, kept alive until their minds are extracted and fed to an unknown being which seems to be the source of the rulers' power. Zherlech is one of the few who can oppose the government, and having learnt of the existence of other planes, seeks to recruit interplanar travellers to free his plane from tyranny.



After much experimentation, some mages have discovered that certain types of elementals were capable of telepathically exchanging knowledge with others. Atramenti was one of the oldest of these elementals, possessing the collective wisdom of life itself. Throughout the millennia, it has given its knowledge willingly in exchange for the experiences of others, but a century ago, it was trapped by selfish wizards who sought to take Atramenti's knowledge without giving anything in return. Having been drained of its intellect and capability for reason (as well as its blue colour identity), Atramenti lashed out and escaped its imprisonment, whereupon its rage lead it to ruin vast civilisations. Atramenti discovered that in its new state, it needed to consume knowledge to survive, and yet could not retain it, for it now served as sustenance.  Now driven by a primal hunger rather than curiosity and a love of life, Atramenti travels the multiverse in search of knowledge to prolong its rapidly diminishing lifespan. For in this state, the essence of what it once was is rapidly decaying without a sapient mind to hold it together.

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  • LocationSomewhere in the Destiny omniverse...

Atramenti looks... "fun"...




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Atramenti looks... "fun"...

...especially because I forgot to add the bit about that ability only being usable once each turn.




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  • Locationmanchester

No one would draw generally as it essencially gives your opponent +1/+1 counters and you damage at no benefit to your self short of maybe drawing instant speed removal, since he can then just remove the +1/+1 counters gained from using the ability to make them discard again, and thus the cycle repeats.

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