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Race Rivalry

- - - - - Race Rivalry Fighting Strange Cards

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I played a lot of games from the WarCraft series (WC III, WoW and Hearthstone) lately and thought about a nice MtG card focusing on that everlasting Human vs Orc fight. I hope I dont break any MtG rules with that card created and I tried to balance it as good as I could.

"War is deception, a game best played... from the Shadows."



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Magic doesn't refer to races, rather than creaturetypes. Also your card is HIGHLY outplayed by real cards. Like Elesh Norn, that crazy sociopath, buffing/reducing ALL creatures, and actually being able to kill them this way.




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Okay I did not know these cards yet. Ill overwork the card as soon as possible.


Thanks for the feedback.

"War is deception, a game best played... from the Shadows."


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