Stupid, but fuck it.
No. It can't die. At all. It's a 2/2, then when it dies it becomes a 3/3, then when that dies it becomes a 1/1, and still has undying, so the 3/3 and 1/1 cycle.
And I like my cards to be powerful, even if a 1/1 after the second death isn't powerful.
I think that its so kawaii! but it sounds like a very powerful card. i like the idea of it though. ^^
A 2-drop uncommon the never leaves, thats a bit OP. If you made it a rare and replaced the persist mechanic I could see this card being wicked fun.
This is a really cool idea. It's either a 3/3 persist, or a 1/1 intimidate. I would say bump the mana cost to BBB, or 2BB, and make it a 3/3. maybe even make it a rare, that's a real pain in the ass just because it can swing or block every turn without consequence.
It's a nice concept, I just wish it could, you know, die. It doesn't bother me too much seeing as it's not a brilliant card, but I see it as high zombie support. And I already think zombies are a bit oversupported. That's just me, though.
7/10 Good, but not amazing.
No. Absolutely not. This card + any sacrifice engine ever printed = infinite sacrifices. This translates to "play this card and one other card to win the game immediately." Turn one Death Greeter into turn two Bloodthrone Vampire into turn three this thing and you have infinite life turn three and your opponent probably can't interact with it before it goes off. Oh yeah, and then you can swing for about twelve zillion. Just cuz. Cool idea but way too powerful.
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