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Heroville Halls

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Howdy! This is the beginning of a set I have started to work on. A couple of new ideas and abilities are used, and will be explained. There are no pictures, as I would like to finalize the cards before I add pictures.

http://www.mtgcardma...Heroville Halls


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I like the idea of finalizing the cards BEFORE finding art, a very good way to guarantee that the cards aren't center-focused around art, which leads to boring cards. 


As far as the cards, I would highly recommend using a builder called MSE, most users here use it: http://magicseteditor.sourceforge.net/


As far as the cards balance, most of these are like incredible overpowered for complicated reasons, but I don't quite have time to go through all of them, so I'll be giving you feedback through the personal messenger when I have time. 




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Alright then. Thanks for the help!





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The fortify mechanic, while novel, can be potentially cumbersome. Especially, after a long enough time, you've fortified multiple creatures using multiple lands. Can a single creature be fortified by more than one land at the same time?


Reinforce sounds very much like Bestow, only without an additional cost. Do you retain the reinforcing creature if what it was reinforcing is no longer on the battlefield?


Assassinate is way too powerful for a 1-drop black removal. Yes, you need a creature, but all you need to do is tap it - not something as drastic as sacrifice it like with Bone Splinters. It's instant, too.


Bounce is essentially a colorless Wild Ricochet but with much fewer legal targets and less fun. What if the spell being cast only restricted to target opponents? Bounce literally does nothing here. Wild Ricochet at least gives the option of deflecting to someone else and getting a copy of your own.


I do not fancy mono-blue getting a burn option outside of intentionally planeshifted cards.


Mistake in Casting outclasses so many counterspells it's not even funny.


I don't understand Risky Move, but somehow I feel that it's got massive potential. The bad kind of potential.




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No, you cannot fortify a creature to more than one card. And the two creatures in reinforce become 1 creature instead of 2, so no, if the creature it's on goes to the graveyard for any reason, it goes to the graveyard, too.

Here is the updated Assassinate, I increased the cost a litte bit: http://www.mtgcardma...&set2=&setname=

What would you have me do to the Mistake in Casting? Just raise the cost, or change it's ability?

I changed Risky Move so that the cards go into your hand(except for mana, which can still be played right away):http://www.mtgcardma...Heroville Halls



 What if the spell being cast only restricted to target opponents? 


I'm not quite sure what you mean here. So you can only change the target of instants or sorceries that can affect you?




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For Mistake in Casting, I'd give it actual color. Since it's counterspell + lightning bolt it seems fair to make it cost UUR.


Certain spells may read "target opponent" rather than "target player". If you try to Bounce such a spell, you'd realize that the caster is not a legal target for the spell you're trying to Bounce.


Risky Move is still stupid amounts of potential - in a mono-colour deck you just get incredible amounts of hand advantage and insane ramp. Lands are always colorless, by the way.




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Here is the new Bounce: http://www.mtgcardma...Heroville Halls

I changed the mechanic of Mistake in Casting so that there is no Lightning Bolt effect: http://www.mtgcardma...Heroville Halls

What should I do with Risky Move, then? Here is the updated version: http://www.mtgcardma...Heroville Halls




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Bounce is now a colourless, higher-costed Redirect. But at least the higher cost can somewhat make up for how it's colorless.


Risky Move ironically becomes less risky the higher your scry is. I would at least give the scry a definite number - even scry 3 seems to be fine considering the times I've whiffed with Riddle of Lightning. However, it is very difficult to whiff with Risky Move considering its mechanics, so I'd put that at scry 2. What it would look like now is:


Choose a color. Scry 2, then reveal the top card of your library. If that card is of the chosen color, put it into your hand.

...This now feels like Preordain.




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Here is an idea I had to use the original idea for the Bounce card. I named it something different so that I didn't lose the original card, in case of OP.

http://www.mtgcardma...Heroville Halls

How's this for Risky Move? http://www.mtgcardma...Heroville Halls

For Crackle, the only reason I gave the overload 3 red was so you couldn't use 3 blue mana to potentially hit everything on the board for 3 damage. If you can't do that,or you think that another color would work better that's fine-- I'll change it.




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Although due to how you've phrased Crackle, a mere RRR overload will just have this card do a whopping 0 damage to everything. And now that I think about it, it's currently worse than Mizzium Mortars, even if I picture this card's mana cost to be the minimum XU and minimum overload cost XRRR. I'm still not comfortable with a blue spell being able to do direct damage (ignoring Char) since blue is the last thing you think of when direct damage is being discussed. The logical decision would be to make the card red, which will then make the card both strictly better and strictly worse than Mizzium Mortars.


For Bounce, a better-templated phrasing:


Change the text of target instant or sorcery spell with a single by replacing all instances "target opponent" with "target player", then change its target to its controller, or a permanent that its controller controls.

It still can't logically affect things that only target things you don't control (read: nearly every overload spell that affects opponent's things), but past this point, trying to patch up this weakness will result in a more cluttered text than necessary.


Risky Move now reminds me of Bring to Light, mashed with a variant of Coiling Oracle. Since the scry is now independent of the X component, you should be fine - you need a sick post-scry topdeck to be able to get powerful value out of it, and you're a major sad panda if you hit a land. I would give it a mana cost of XUG or something.




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Here are all of the cards so far:


Battle Droid


Black Drakon

BlackIron Outpost

Blue Drakon


Bubonic Plauge

Camo Droid

Carlle, Eye of Enent

Centipede Swarm




Fireblast Oracle



Great Deeps

Green Drakon

Healing Rune

Heroian Tank

Heroville Walls


Kelp Forest

Lightsaber Droid

Mangrove Swamp

Mistake in Casting

Nui Battle Armor


Red Drakon

Revealer Mage

Risky Move



Staff of Nui

Tainted Field

Tyler Bichsel, Son of Nui


Waveseeker Oracle

White Drakon



Cards created in Card Ability Contest:

Magic Trick

World Ender

Expect the links to come up bits at a time, and check back often!




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Wait, what's poison? Do you mean "poisonous", because there's always a number following that keyword. (e.g. poisonous 1)


Bubonic Plague is better worded as:


Enchant player

At the beginning of enchanted player's upkeep, distribute three -1/-1 counters among any number of target creatures that player controls.

If enchanted player controls no creatures, sacrifice Bubonic Plague.


Planeswalker types often are just the planeswalker's first name. You normally do not see other creature types there.


Crackle looks... clumsy. It now does 1 damage to target creature, and the more you strive, the more inefficient it becomes.


Fireblast Oracle is worded better as:


First strike

Whenever a red creature with converted mana cost 4 or greater taps, scry 1.


The Drakons need actual power and toughness. Just put */* as their P/T since these characteristics are variable.


Basic is usually a supertype applied to lands. You don't get Basics of other card types.




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Fixed Black Dragon, Fireblast Oracle, and Bubonic Plague's wording. Changed the types of the Planeswalkers and Mistake in Casting.
I fixed Crackle's cost so that it's X colorless, 1 blue. I tried to add the * to the Drakons, but the card maker on here doesn't register it for power and toughness.
Do you think that the lands should be basic since they just give mana, no additional effects?




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We have a lot of nonbasic lands that simply give mana. Especially when they give more than 1 colour. Take Sulfur Falls for example. Basic Lands should be largely restricted to the usual five (and Wastes).


Crackle is now better worded as:


Strive 1U -- Crackle costs 1U more to cast for each target beyond the first.

Crackle does X damage to each of any number of target creatures.

Since all instances of X on a card while it's on the stack are the same. And honestly, I think it's more simple to understand than arbitrarily restricting the damage output to depend on the amount of blue you spent on it. An alternative is to add "Spend only blue mana to cast Crackle." so that it achieves roughly the same outcome while keeping all X values on the card.


Not sure why you're so intent on a mono-blue Fireball though.

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