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Jdrawer's cards (/???) Last update: August29

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There are supposed to be more, but the site isn't allowing me to upload them at the time. :(

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Looking good so far man




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Looking good so far man

Thanks! I have over 100 more to share, but the site craps itself when you try to upload that many, and I haven't figured out how I want to sort them.




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Just taking a look at your red creatures, The Bushido keyword should have a number after it, such as Bushido 1 or Bushido 3. I think you were going for Bushido 1 on each of those creatures (+1/+1 when blocking or blocked).


Castle Toppler seems overpriced for its effects. Most 4/4 dragons cost slightly less than Castle Toppler and have much better effects. Take Freejam Regent or Glorybringer. Both have much better effects than Castle Toppler for the same or less cost. I understand how the second effect ties into its flavor, but it's a very specific buff for a very specific situation, and it shouldn't factor much (if at all) into the card's CMC. Perhaps take it down to a CMC of 5, or make it a 5/4 or 5/5 creature, or even give it an artifact destruction effect (that would really work with the flavor).


Also Consummate of the Flesh's second effect should read as such: "When Consummate of Flesh attacks it gains +X/-X, where X is the number of creatures that the defending player controls that exceeds the number of creatures you control. (If the defending player does not control more monsters than you, then X equals zero.)" I found this to be a very interesting card. I would actually like to see this effect on a card with less power and toughness and with a lower CMC, since it would become much more useful.


I just noticed that you gave Bushido to creatures with Intimidate. Bushido only activates when a creature is blocked or blocking. Preferably, these creatures would not be blocked, making Bushido irrelevant. I understand that you want to plan for the situation in which they do become blocked, but Bushido just seems tacked on. It doesn't work flavorwise; Bushido is mostly associated with Samurai, not with wild animals.




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Thank you for looking at these year-old cards!

*You're definitely right that these are meant to have Bushido 1.
*Now that I look at it, Castle Toppler is definitely overpriced. The only justification is that it's meant to be a common (a bad one, at that), but it definitely could benefit from a buff or price decrease. The flavor is that it's really good at getting past walls, not artifacts, but I see where you come from.
*That's an interesting idea for Consummate of Flesh.
*I wanted an ability that would give them +1/+1 when blocked, but all we have is Bushido. I try not to spell out effects if we already have established effects that could do that for us (seeing as we have limited design space). Now that you mention it, unless your opponent is playing red or has artifacts, Bushido is almost never going to activate. However, that goes in great with the flavor of the Darkmoor, a barren savannah where the wildlife has no sense of cooperation, as they can only fend for themselves). Ie, the creatures are intimidating, but also ready to kill their own kind. As a general rule, Darkmoor creatures have Intimidation and Bushido 1. You're right in that it's a confusing and possibly niche interaction (though, hopefully, the full set would have more than just red creatures), but I figured it gives the Darkmoor its own sense of identity.
*Consummate of the Flesh has Intimidate and Trample, which has some of the similar problems as Intimidate/Bushido, but for it being so large and ghastly, I guess it might make sense?

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