My first Planeswalker card. I originally made a card on this site with the same name, I made him a legendary creature since I couldn't find a way to make a Planeswalker, but now I have a Planeswalker version. I'll probably make more versions like Master of Swamps/Islands/etc.
Posted 31 March 2013 - 10:39 AM
Posted 31 March 2013 - 11:55 AM
Well I can see you really like the new Gideon because this card is pretty much just like him, just with a slightly different playstyle. I really feel that you should choose abilities that haven't been done before on a 'walker if you want people to be excited about the card. The ultimate falls especially flat here, because this exact ability, Vindicate, is the second of Vraska the Unseen's abilities and it cost -3 for her. I like that the creature this turns into emulates Armored Ascension, but it would be worded a bit differently to make it work. "Until end of turn, ~ becomes a white Griffin creature with flying. His power and toughness are each equal to the number of loyalty counters on him." Also, I think the first ability is a bit OP. Seems to me that in a mono-white deck, laying this on turn 6 and pumping to 12 loyalty right off the bat doesn't seem quite fair. I mean sure, Gideon 2.0 can do this in theory, but you have far less control over it than you do here.
All in all, I'm not very impressed. I'd like to see this guy do something that another 'walker doesn't already do better.
Posted 31 March 2013 - 01:16 PM
Ok. I didn't mean to copy Gideon that much. The only thing I meant to copy was the second effect. I'll try coming up with better effects.
Posted 31 March 2013 - 04:52 PM
See the thing is, I kinda doubt we'll see another 'walker with the 'turns into a dude' ability anytime soon, because it's Gideon's thing. It's what makes him special. No doubt it will be done on a different walker sometime, though. It's just the loyalty boosting ability leading into the creature ability with just rings too much the same. However, if you mean to keep the flying creature ability, which could be totally fine, I'd move it to his ultimate unless an even flashier effect seems like a better ultimate. Just make sure all versions of Grifost don't turn into dudes also, because then you're really stretching it.
And I'm not sure, but you should probably prevent all damage to his creature form, because I think this would confuse people as to whether damage still removes loyalty from him or not while he's a creature. It would as far as I know, and if this is something you want to happen, then fine. Just something to consider.
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