If you did like Deathtouch more, would it be better to have higher health, or higher damage?

Posted 28 February 2014 - 09:28 AM

Posted 28 February 2014 - 12:38 PM

If you'd have two questions about Deathtouch, would you ask them in two or just one thread?
Don't bother I already know the answer.
You mean just in general whether a Deathtouch-Creature benefits more from a focus in Strength or Toughness?
Depends on your play-style and your deck. One of the strongest DT's is Vampire Nighthawk with 2/3,
but I think that's more because of its combined abilities, not the stats.
I guess it's all going back to the question, how you want to utilize Deathtouch;
Most blockers are automatically lost against an attacking DT, so you CAN use High-Power variations to some extends.
But instead you could as easily go for Intimidate, can't be blocked, or protection etc, not even giving your opponent the choice of blocking.
Personally I prefer Deathtouch with high toughness. They are just much more versatile in their ability to survive while damaging.
Give them Vigilance and you have constant damage and pressure.
Posted 11 March 2014 - 02:46 PM

Probaby higher health if you have Deathtouch. It doesn't really matter how much attack you have if you have Deathtouch (correct me if i'm wrong). If something has 1 attack but like 8 health, then that creature can kill anything and can stay alive longer. To make that creature even more OP, then Give it a Haste enchantment, 0/1or more enchantment, or idk, just give it a lot of enchantments.
Posted 11 March 2014 - 04:29 PM

Well, Master of Cruelties has First-strike and Deathtouch, and if he's unblocked, your opponents life total becomes 1. He's a crazy op card, especially if you can make him unblockable.
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