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This should totally be a real card!


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Any art would be nice. Also, how do I add a full sized picture instead of these little click to view pictures?

Another thing is, at first it was "If this card is in your deck you win the game" but that's just is beyond unglued, Should this be its ability again?


Attached File  createcard (4).jpg   131.4KB   0 downloads





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Now that beginning is beyond Unglued, true, but it seems a little to overpowered and could go down a bit to like you get a bonus instead or something like that. A good name could be like a Supply name or something Extra. Anyway nice card if it had the picture for it!  ^_^


By the way did you try the URL uploading instead, I think that works better than the file upload.

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: Unglued

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