Welcome to the MTG Card Maker FAQ. I have addressed the most commonly-asked questions, but there may be more. Feel free to post in this thread with more suggestions and I will add them in. Without further ado...
Q: When will [feature X] be added?
As we all know, MTG is a vast game that has been around for over two decades. During that time, the creators of the game have added mechanics, taken away mechanics, modified rules, changed layouts and so on and so forth. We have tried to cover as many bases as possible with the Card Maker, but there will be areas where it is less-than-perfect. In many ways, it's still a work-in-progress, just the like the game of Magic. That being said, we do plan on adding colorless borders to artifacts and making a Planeswalker template soon.
Q: How do I make flavor text?
For flavour text, just use square brackets around the text you wish to use.
Q: How can I print out my cards???
The Card Maker does not come with a "print" feature. To print them out, you'll have to download the card and then resize it appropriately and print it out in the image editor of your choice. Some users have come up with methods to do this. Look here.
Q: Where do I put overpowered cards?
This is ultimately subjective, but if the card is blatantly overpowered, it belongs in Unglued. If it at least attempts to be somewhat balanced, it belongs in R&D. Even Magic occasionally screws up and releases something overpowered. If you're unsure, ask yourself if this is card that might actually be turned into a real Magic Card. If the answer is no, post it in Unglued.
Q: I am trying to save a card and it won't save. It says Saving... where the save button is. I am not sure what the problem is. Can anyone help?
This is an unknown bug that we are working on fixing. Some workarounds suggested by users:
"Just give it 10 minutes then try saving it again, should work, if not copy the text, refresh then paste."
"Try logging out and logging back in.... just tried it and it worked."
Q: What if I have a set of cards, such as a cycle testing out a certain mechanic?
Sets both large and small go in the User-Created Sets section, a sub-forum of the R&D section.
Q: I can't seem to paste a copy of my card in a forum. Please help!
Set up a link using the right click on the card from another tab, then select copy url. Paste as a link using the little link+ symbol, and in the box that says link, press ctrl-v