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Set: Elsmere, City of Serenity

Knights White Green Black Blue Red Land Creatures Spells

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Attached File  Mountain.jpg   32.44KB   0 downloadsAttached File  Plains.jpg   28.78KB   0 downloadsAttached File  Swamp.jpg   33.98KB   0 downloadsAttached File  Forest.jpg   35.51KB   0 downloadsAttached File  Island.jpg   34.58KB   0 downloadsAttached File  Elsmere the City of Serenity.jpg   47.13KB   0 downloads



Attached File  Knightly Honor.jpg   39.15KB   0 downloadsAttached File  Angelic interference.jpg   40.9KB   0 downloads



Attached File  Squire of the Forest.jpg   42.15KB   0 downloadsAttached File  Inor the Creator.jpg   41.94KB   0 downloads



Attached File  Arrow Volley.jpg   38.18KB   0 downloadsAttached File  Dark Return.jpg   41.81KB   0 downloads



Attached File  Knight of Innovation.jpg   42.84KB   0 downloads



Attached File  Knight of Elsmere.jpg   33KB   0 downloadsAttached File  Balinor Field Marshal of Elsmere.jpg   48KB   0 downloads



Attached File  Sword of Elsmere.jpg   41.03KB   0 downloadsAttached File  Armor-Plated Horse.jpg   38.18KB   0 downloads



Attached File  Citizen Token.jpg   30.19KB   0 downloads



More cards will be released in the coming future! Look forward for more!



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You seem to be an amazing artist.




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Oh woops, I put it as the default on the program Im using Ill have to fix that, sorry :P

... Okay fixed!




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On angelic Inference, check out Smite.  Smitet is much better.  So maybe you should change that card.




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Target blocked creature and target attacking creature are two different things. If an unblockalbe giant creature is coming at your,  which happens alot in multiple guilds, you ain't guna be smiting that any time soon, also inference lets you not block, saving the option to destroy it if they buff it.




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Okay, but non-white restriction?




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Well, besides fitting the flavor really well, flying is not typically the color for super huge creatures or creatures you need to destroy, although im not denying its a drawback and also white has SOME big creatures.


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flying is not typically the color for super huge creatures or creatures you need to destroy

HOW can you incorporate dragons, demons, angels and Vampires into a game, without making them big and necessary to destroy?




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Oops lol, major grammar mistake there WHITE* not flying and yes angels are big, but white is still a color for not very big creatures.




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Now on the actual cards: Volley of arrows is totally white, and knight of innovation is also. Sword of Elsemere is to powerful, and Armor plated horse doesn't make sense: Why the heck do I need trample if I'm unblockable?




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I see the volley of arrows being white and there are blue knights such as "Outrider of Jhess" which is a blue human knight with exalted, but I can see why it would fit in White. With the Armor Plated Horse and Sword of Elsmere I made them to really fit the flavor, the sword is meant to be powerful, (But I might change it to a rare since its low equip, then again there are things like Butcher's Cleaver which is 3 colorless and 3 equip for +3/+0 and lifelink for humans.) and the horse is going to be not as unblockable since in this set I plan to make a few horsemanship. Also thanks for the feedback :D




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Use your words on Inor, I hate the “1”s; it is just ugly, use “a” or “one” instead.


Would you pay 9 mana for a 3/3 with first strike and vigilance? I would not. Knight of innovation is under powered every turn. There are plenty of 3, 4 and 5 drops that outmatch him.  Shepherd of the Lost is your knight but uncommon, with flying and for only 5 mana. 

Make your knight cheaper, stronger or both: my suggestion is to at least make him a 2 drop, and lower the level up cost to {1}. That way he maxes on turn 4 where he is on the curve.


As mentioned above, evasion or trample, never both.

The flavour is great!

“Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away.”
/ Philip K. Dick




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Use your words on Inor, I hate the “1”s; it is just ugly, use “a” or “one” instead.





Would you pay 9 mana for a 3/3 with first strike and vigilance? I would not. Knight of innovation is under powered every turn. There are plenty of 3, 4 and 5 drops that outmatch him.  Shepherd of the Lost is your knight but uncommon, with flying and for only 5 mana. 


Make your knight cheaper, stronger or both: my suggestion is to at least make him a 2 drop, and lower the level up cost to {1}. That way he maxes on turn 4 where he is on the curve.



As mentioned above, evasion or trample, never both.

The flavour is great!



Actually, that's how a lot of level cards work, they take a while to level up and make worth it, but you just have to wait until you can't cast anything else then you dump mana into it and make it worth it. Although I would say this is certainly not a rare in rarity as far as levelers go.

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: Knights, White, Green, Black, Blue, Red, Land, Creatures, Spells

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