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Fireheart Forge Giant

- - - - - red giant elemental creature intimidate

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For my first card I thought I'd try something simple but powerful.


Fireheart Forge Giant


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A living stature imbued with the will of its creator.

Guest_Elegant Totality_*

Guest_Elegant Totality_*
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I'd make it uncommon. I'm not really sure though.

Krieg of Keld

Krieg of Keld


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  • Locationon top of Emrakul, dressed in the skin of a Phyrexian obliterator I killed myself.

Yeah, make it an uncommon. Also, you can make flavor text by putting the text in square brackets.

tumblr_m1sjkv9SrJ1r5zfj8o1_500.gifI may or may not have a slight obsession with Hellsing.  




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Guest_Elegant Totality_*

Guest_Elegant Totality_*
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Yeah, make it an uncommon. Also, you can make flavor text by putting the text in square brackets.

haha! Thanks man. That actually helps me out a lot too.


As for the card, I'd say it's spot on. =) Nice and balanced, just like the dev team would make.

  • Genjutsu ^^ and Bad-People like this

Genjutsu ^^

Genjutsu ^^


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Nice card, Intimidate is an uncommon keyword for huge monsters (Of course there are huge exceptions,but I don't have any ;_;)

I would collect this if it was out :)

  • Bad-People likes this

Sasuke Vs. Deidara:

"I saw through your Genjutsu!"

"But there's another one..."

"I saw through that too!"

"But there's another one..."



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I have personal feeling for this card. Red elementals are my stuff, I'm going to drop this turn 4. 

honestly could be a rare. ----> http://gatherer.wiza...tiverseid=87900


making this an elemental make it silly, but i love it none the less.

Genjutsu ^^

Genjutsu ^^


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Ahh, I didn't notice that it's technically not an elemental...

I'd change sub-type from Giant elemental to Giant Construct, since it's made of metal.

Other than that, still good. And I like "Excruciator" too, ty for the link slayer :)

Sasuke Vs. Deidara:

"I saw through your Genjutsu!"

"But there's another one..."

"I saw through that too!"

"But there's another one..."



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Ahh, I didn't notice that it's technically not an elemental...

I'd change sub-type from Giant elemental to Giant Construct, since it's made of metal.

Other than that, still good. And I like "Excruciator" too, ty for the link slayer :)

The metal's only the outer shell, more like armor. The real life-force is in the fire inside. 

Genjutsu ^^

Genjutsu ^^


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Ahh k... I suppose that makes sense...

Sasuke Vs. Deidara:

"I saw through your Genjutsu!"

"But there's another one..."

"I saw through that too!"

"But there's another one..."



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I'm sorry, i should have clarified, I meant silly, as in extraordinarily powerful. 


smoke braided http://gatherer.wiza...iverseid=205398


Soulbright Flamekin http://gatherer.wiza...iverseid=189218


turns this card into a turn 4 power play

I would love to have a card like this for my elementals <3. 




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Ahh k... I suppose that makes sense...

Frankly Construct would probably still apply anyway, I just don't want to put more than two sub-types on it.


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construct is usually used for artifacts, anyway.

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: red, giant, elemental, creature, intimidate

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