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Following in Sertar's Footsteps

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http://s1378.photobu...nt Work to Date


Hello guys, the link above links to my Photobucket page. and yes I am taking a lead from Sertar on this one, he started this trend and I intend to continue this trend. Please as I always state don't hesitate to comment on what you see, if you need clarification on what the Lore of the set is I will be more than happy to shed light on it, and comments and concerns are much appreciated.


Your loyal card guru,

LordStormWinter (aka: GhostWolfe120)

"Let the wisdom flow, Let the emotion recede, Let the blood run silently, Let the night come once again."




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I like the card so far but only one thing kinda fustrate me is the Veangeance effect it just dont feel like a veangeance to me more like a free hit


Why dont make it like Veangeance 3 when this card come into play if you taked damage or a creature you control died you may deal 3 damage to target creature or play a gain life equal to the damage deal ( that just a plain example)




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i c where you r going with this. I agree but never went back to fix it... got busy with Forbidden Rites.

"Let the wisdom flow, Let the emotion recede, Let the blood run silently, Let the night come once again."




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I can understand lol




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there are many a time when I have felt like that i make a poor card and then get struck by inspiration and the card never gets fixed sadly these are te cards i make that will never be released however many rough gems can be found while digging for gold. In other words even if it requires hard work will searching for the perfect design you can all ways make a card that with a bit of work can be transformed from a diamond in the rough to a great piece of art. I went through lots of trial and error with the 'vices' set of demons but by getting up and trying to make them better they came out as great flavourful cards. What I mean is don't be afraid to go back to an idea and make it better even if your mind tells you it wont work or you have better options instead of starting on a new idea work with what you've got and you can make a poor card or mechanic far better than just coming up with something from scratch. I say go back to vengeance and fix it because who knows maybe you'll use it in forbidden rites or what ever block comes next.




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i just did fix it. I'm glad someone pointed out a very OP mechanic and gave advice on how to nullify the OPness.


"Let the wisdom flow, Let the emotion recede, Let the blood run silently, Let the night come once again."




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well done and hope you use the now fixed mechanic in forbidden rites as it was op but awesome before with fixes it can be amazing and fun to use.




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check zee new link, i fixed the problems


"Let the wisdom flow, Let the emotion recede, Let the blood run silently, Let the night come once again."




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which mechanic in forbidden rites?


"Let the wisdom flow, Let the emotion recede, Let the blood run silently, Let the night come once again."




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no vengeance was OP and i hope you use it in forbidden rites is what its supposed to say




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New cards added to the Photobucket link. Tribal Snow Elves.


Have Fun.


"Let the wisdom flow, Let the emotion recede, Let the blood run silently, Let the night come once again."

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