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Blast Angel White and blue deck

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This deck is based like almost all blue and white deck cleaning everything and win late game but this deck is a budget one (less than 150$ if you got some idea that are not too costy tell me)(dont trust the high price on this site they said forest cost 0.78 cent)






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The deck needs more ways to win, right now it's only way of winning is swinging with a sunblast angel a ton, which isn't going to happen even with your amount of draw spells. Basically, you need to hit your opponents more. Here are some recommendations:


Gideon's Avenger (Synergism with tapping, but also procs whenever opponents attack you HAHA)


Frontline Medic (Awesome Indestructible+Board Wipe shenanigains, but only if you have enough creatures.)


Transcendant Master (EXPENSIVE)


Augury Owl (Good poke/fly chump block and scry to set up draw.)


Niblis of the Urn (Only if you're using Gideon's Avenger)


And if you need more defense vs. aggro, I recommend Fog Bank.


Good luck!




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Well first of all thank you i will consider every of your choice for the deck thank you realy much!

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