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[Single Card Discussion] Thundermaw Hellkite

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Is this card really worth 36 dollars?


Overlord Barty

Overlord Barty


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This is worth 36 dollars? O.o


Wow... I need to check how much my pulls are worth.


OT: I love it as a finisher in my bad Boros deck, but have no idea how good it is competetively. I've heard that it is one of the better creatures in standard right now.

"Good Thing I brought my Axe Cane."

[spoiler='One of the best rants.'][/spoiler]

Borderline Unplayable

Borderline Unplayable


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RDW has a large demand and that drives its price up. Not to mention any deck in standard playing red plays this. Also it's seeing more and more play in modern. The price is too high, but not entirely unjustified.




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A 5/5 with haste is a good hitter at the 5 spot anyways but when he taps down anything that could block him, and wipe your spirits if you play lingering souls, that just makes him incredible in standard. I haven't seen him hit my local modern meta yet but he has a place in almost any deck with red mana sources.

Kalam Mekhar

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Yeah, basically this card just wrecks. The price is a bit ridiculous, but then again, it's seeing play everywhere. I got blown out by this card a couple times at FNM a while back. Hellkite, take 5, I kill it, Hellkite, take 5, I kill it, top deck Bonfire, I lose.

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