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A Little Draft of Inspirational Cards

Fantasy Cube Legendary MTG Card

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Hiya There Good People of The Forum.


Here is a bit of inspirational card crafting, do point out errors issues or brokeness ;)


A bit of Creatures

Attached File  Androa Wayfinder of Juko.jpg   44.12KB   0 downloadsAttached File  Nisha Heart of the Ranks.jpg   44.76KB   0 downloadsAttached File  Niflag Reclaimer.jpg   44.45KB   0 downloadsAttached File  Curse Chanter.jpg   43.69KB   0 downloads


A Bit of Spells

Attached File  Extract Knowledge.jpg   39.15KB   0 downloadsAttached File  Relentless Research.jpg   43.89KB   0 downloadsAttached File  Unspoken Word.jpg   44.29KB   0 downloads

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First of all, great card! they all look good on a aesthetic point of view now lets talk balance.


1- I think it would be more fun if instead of an additional land each turn you make that land or just basic gain flash


2- nothing much to say pretty flavorfull and balanced


3- Im not sure about if its effect fit the color pie but ill let it pass


4- How to never lose again or win (this card is so good at making draw game) a little bit too much powerful if you wrath a board you may just deal 10 dmg easy to all player.


5- I like it but i could see it cost 4-5 and make you draw 4 cards.


6- Already good on paper a massive draw spell on a color that life loss doesn't mather very much at sorcery is already a huge problem on paper but it is instant this card is broken in every way.


7- Funny card but you want to specify the color of the card in the text box http://magiccards.in...&v=card&s=cnamelike this.


Good job on the card and i obviously can't wait for the next batch.




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First of all, great card! they all look good on a aesthetic point of view now lets talk balance.


1- I think it would be more fun if instead of an additional land each turn you make that land or just basic gain flash


2- nothing much to say pretty flavorfull and balanced


3- Im not sure about if its effect fit the color pie but ill let it pass


4- How to never lose again or win (this card is so good at making draw game) a little bit too much powerful if you wrath a board you may just deal 10 dmg easy to all player.


5- I like it but i could see it cost 4-5 and make you draw 4 cards.


6- Already good on paper a massive draw spell on a color that life loss doesn't mather very much at sorcery is already a huge problem on paper but it is instant this card is broken in every way.


7- Funny card but you want to specify the color of the card in the text box http://magiccards.in...&v=card&s=cnamelike this.


Good job on the card and i obviously can't wait for the next batch.

1. Yes it might not pack that much of a punch since you need the lands on your hand, yet the may of her make her really easy to protect with fetch lands :P


2. Thank You :D


3. The exile is a white thing i know yet red can destroy lands, and green can steal them. yet it looked to strong to just 2 mana get a creature and steal a land xD


4. Yeah was thinking about it like this White and Black have nice life gain and life loss, and the Red have alot of burn but with red and black you got the unearth cards. Yet i play a format with so much spot removal i normaly just instant speed pew stuff that might do this kinda thing. But yeah how to turn a loss into a quick draw :P


5. I'm always so affraid of the really hige mana costs cause normaly you have to have some kind of win at turn 4 or 5 and this card was to be like the best top deck in a mill related deck cause you discard first then draw.


6. Yeah most definitely need to be sorcery speed, or deal 10 damage, i wanted a card that had huge gamble and huge value potential.


7. Yeah i know hehe must have slipped was looking at Trap cards and Pacts, must have gotten lost xD


Thanks for all the feed back.


Regards Aztegio.




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High mana cost don't need to be insta win cards custom card is all about making interesting card and (for me at least) realistic as possible if the card look decent for its cost but don't crush your opponent to tears it does not mean its bad.




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High mana cost don't need to be insta win cards custom card is all about making interesting card and (for me at least) realistic as possible if the card look decent for its cost but don't crush your opponent to tears it does not mean its bad.

Yeah i know but still anything that can not be cheated into play or straight out win, that cost +5 is considered a unplayable card, atleast in Moden since there is so much fine tunning.




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Like i said who care if its not playable in modern limited is still a thing.




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Andora is... an Exploration that can protect itself. Any of you know of the value of Exploration in places where it's legal?


Nisha is acceptable. A little off-colour if I want to make her a Zombie Tribal commander (since we can also have blue zombies available), but she works where she can fit in.


Green steals lands? That's a first I've heard of such a thing. Green also has land destruction - in fact a lot of its removal effects tend to hit anything but creatures. That said, Niflag Reclaimer looks okay on paper, but can be potentially rude when you exile a bounce-land with it (think Izzet Boilerworks and its ilk).


Curse Chanter is fine given its tight mana restrictions. The fact that you also lose the life can mean that the opponent is prone to exploiting it unless you're backed up with a good source of lifegain.


Extract Knowledge is too powerful. Compare Siphon Mind which gives equal amounts of draw for discard. Compare Pilfered Plans which is a milling equivalent. The tempo swing regarding cards in hand is too great for a mere 2 mana. Dial it up to 1UB or 2UB.


Relentless Research essentially eclipses Sign in Blood, being better than it in nearly every way. Instant speed, greater life loss which amounts to ending of games, and mad card draw which also can potentially end games. At 2 mana to boot. 5 cards for 2 mana, regardless of drawback, is too much efficiency. I would crank it up to BBRR at minimum if I want to keep this as an instant, 1BBR if it becomes a sorcery.


Unspoken Word is funny to say the least. While it has its niches, the fact that it's colorless and turns active very easily can make it go down the Mental Misstep slippery slope. It will result in players making awkward sequencing decisions when trying to dodge it or avoid going into an Unspoken counter war, and the result of this is overcentralization, like what happened with Misstep.


Try not to only design with the Modern mindset. Think about the applications of your cards in other eternal formats, like Commander or Vintage. Limited is only a concern if you're designing an entire set.




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Andora is... an Exploration that can protect itself. Any of you know of the value of Exploration in places where it's legal?


Nisha is acceptable. A little off-colour if I want to make her a Zombie Tribal commander (since we can also have blue zombies available), but she works where she can fit in.


Green steals lands? That's a first I've heard of such a thing. Green also has land destruction - in fact a lot of its removal effects tend to hit anything but creatures. That said, Niflag Reclaimer looks okay on paper, but can be potentially rude when you exile a bounce-land with it (think Izzet Boilerworks and its ilk).


Curse Chanter is fine given its tight mana restrictions. The fact that you also lose the life can mean that the opponent is prone to exploiting it unless you're backed up with a good source of lifegain.


Extract Knowledge is too powerful. Compare Siphon Mind which gives equal amounts of draw for discard. Compare Pilfered Plans which is a milling equivalent. The tempo swing regarding cards in hand is too great for a mere 2 mana. Dial it up to 1UB or 2UB.


Relentless Research essentially eclipses Sign in Blood, being better than it in nearly every way. Instant speed, greater life loss which amounts to ending of games, and mad card draw which also can potentially end games. At 2 mana to boot. 5 cards for 2 mana, regardless of drawback, is too much efficiency. I would crank it up to BBRR at minimum if I want to keep this as an instant, 1BBR if it becomes a sorcery.


Unspoken Word is funny to say the least. While it has its niches, the fact that it's colorless and turns active very easily can make it go down the Mental Misstep slippery slope. It will result in players making awkward sequencing decisions when trying to dodge it or avoid going into an Unspoken counter war, and the result of this is overcentralization, like what happened with Misstep.


Try not to only design with the Modern mindset. Think about the applications of your cards in other eternal formats, like Commander or Vintage. Limited is only a concern if you're designing an entire set.

To the first part of you post yes i do know, this card was made cause I'm teaching some kids to play and i want them to know the value of fetiching in responese. Yet she is a creature and that makes her easy pickings for removal. explore is a enchanment and can by default if droped turn 1 not be stopped before you opponent got 2 mana open and that kind of removal on hand. She on the otherhand will get popped if you leave her without a fetch for just 1 round.


Yeah she might be off color for a zombie commander, she was meant to be a Orzhov Commander and we tryed her as a spirit commander it just made Lingering soul to strong...


The Reclaimer is mostly in the idea that Red is quite good at wrecking lands, splash green and they might not want to destroy it just take it back to nature, you will get the land back when she dies, I'm thinking about it as a tempo play agains combo and control. Yeah about the Izzet Boilerworks will he have to return another landd when he get it back then? cause landds always comes into play and is not considered a spell.


Yeah the Cures Chanter, the colors are strickt but its the colors that got the kinda life gain lose and burn to back it up, i was thinking it as a risky self inflicting deck with turn 3-4 win con's yet it was pointed out that with stuff like Damnation you can turn losing games into Draws but baming both of you, yet with somthing like Angel's Grace this can be nasty.


About the Extract Knowledge yeah i need to up the mana cost, yet i differes from the ones you pointed out, you yourself discard 2 cards to before the draw, you only gain tempo with no card in hand, its a hatefull reversed Faithless Looting.


Relentless Research i was thinking about making it 4 mana R/B dual mana all the way it was meant to be a late gas gen in somthing like hellbend decks 4 mana is fine then and the black red life lose theme fits it.


Mental Misstep yeah that path was in the back of my mind, the thing about the color is a flaw on my part i forgot about the pact rulings, it needs to specify its Black And Blue. just to clarify, yet it's like a storm stopper.


And about the last part, I play Moden and Commander. That means thats where i feel safe about what I'm doing but I'm starting to think more about stuff like Shield format that alows for slower games.


Regards Aztegio and thanks for feedback.




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No, I think you misunderstand what I'm trying to get at. Let's say I get a turn 1 Andora. I play my second land, and since I no longer need the extra land drops for the turn, I can suspend her with that second land drop. I don't need to instant-speed fetch to protect her, I just need to suspend her when I no longer need to drop more lands. By the time I can't consistently protect her, I'm so far ahead on lands that I won't ever need her - or I got terribly mana-droughted, in which case, feels bad man. Point is that due to how her ability works, you never need her around when it's not your turn, so "your opponent can just kill it" is a less effective argument because half the time she won't be around to be killed.


When Reclaimer exiles a bounce land and then leaves the battlefield, the bounce land will ETB tapped, and then force its controller to return a land to their hand. Seeing this turn up right after you go to a turn 2 karoo-land will instantly set you back a couple of turns, and then some.


I overlooked that you also discard cards with Extract Knowledge. When it's effectively a Mind Rot that hits more than one player + unusual card filtering, I still find it to be slightly undercosted. Would prefer this at 1UB.


Making Relentless Research cost B/R B/R B/R B/R will mean that mono-red decks actually can use this card, and as a result have access to card draw that doesn't break even in card advantage and the ability to induce life loss. These attributes I find more black than red. I would still go with something like BBRR.


Giving Unspoken Word a color identifier doesn't change the fact that literally every deck has access to it. But you know what else is a good Storm stopper? Mindbreak Trap. But even though technically any deck can access it, that only appears in anti-Storm games and has limited useability in your day-to-day games. Two or more spells by a single player in a single turn is a common occurrence; three or more is not.




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Lets put up another senario, you play her on turn one and your opponent was on the play, you can't play lands in response to a lightning bolt, or path. and if you want a ekstra land drop you have to chose not to let her exile the when the first land drop and there you pass the priority to your opponent. and she get fucked by removal again.


The Recalimer yep thats a factor but every card have that really sweet play, like "Notion Thief" targeting a Brainstorm.


Extract Knowledge Yep agreed 3 mana is more like it.


Making Relentless Research cost B/R B/R B/R B/R will mean pew pew pew pew pew pew pew..... And yes i know still kicking it around yet i don't feel that its a bad thing that card is playable.


I simply think storm will use the Sheltering Land that makes spells un counterable for 2 life. but yep its a counter that will basicly only work agains storm, can make it so that you have to play the exstra cards to cast it. but it will still be a shit storm of counters.


Regards Aztegio.




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Implying your opponent has turn 1 instant speed removal all the time. As a Modern burn player who often has bolts at his fingertips, I can attest that you, at best, have a 60% chance of having turn 1 instant speed removal available to you. But that's not what we balance our design for. We check our balances with the off chances that the card can't be readily answered.


Although Unspoken Word is designed to work against Storm - at least to check their initial ramping spells before the Storm hits - you must understand that it is still useable outside of anti-Storm scenarios. Enabling it is incredibly easy, and casting Unspoken Word can potentially enable opponents' copies of Unspoken Word. The fact that it can be used by nearly anyone in nearly any matchup would result in an invisible Rule of Law on many games when players try to dance around the possibility of an Unspoken Word. That is format-warping.




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I've done a little reflection on what could possibly happen with Unspoken Word. Maybe I am overreacting a bit about its impact on formats. I still doubt its ability to stop Storm - slow it down, yes, but not entirely hose it.




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I've done a little reflection on what could possibly happen with Unspoken Word. Maybe I am overreacting a bit about its impact on formats. I still doubt its ability to stop Storm - slow it down, yes, but not entirely hose it.

We played around with it a bit, There are many better awnsers to storm by the way even conterspells with storm. But we turned it defensive. You can only play it if you played another spell this turn, Successfully i might add. this turns the other card to its mana cost and force a turn where you use more card than your opponent (Willingly or Unwillingly)


It works well now and we have not yet found a way to break it of. and is now maily played as creature combo defence. so basicly a Negation Pact with out the flaw but with a condition.




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Implying your opponent has turn 1 instant speed removal all the time. As a Modern burn player who often has bolts at his fingertips, I can attest that you, at best, have a 60% chance of having turn 1 instant speed removal available to you. But that's not what we balance our design for. We check our balances with the off chances that the card can't be readily answered.


Although Unspoken Word is designed to work against Storm - at least to check their initial ramping spells before the Storm hits - you must understand that it is still useable outside of anti-Storm scenarios. Enabling it is incredibly easy, and casting Unspoken Word can potentially enable opponents' copies of Unspoken Word. The fact that it can be used by nearly anyone in nearly any matchup would result in an invisible Rule of Law on many games when players try to dance around the possibility of an Unspoken Word. That is format-warping.

I still don't feel that she breaks the game our moden burn deck got no problem, infact it struggles more with something like amulet titan decks and it's mono red it got so much removal for artifacts to. and even if she get to survive a turn its just a Bird of Para that cost you a card from your hand. It's just about timing she normaly only value up to 1-2 exstra land drops and when she gets more people often sigh at the mana flood :P

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