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bug with images


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Hi guys, I was creating cards but suddenly it does not show the images loaded in the preview anymore (even if the download).

How can I solve?

Thank you!




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Hey sirperceval, it's quite simple.


Images don't show up for many reasons, but yes it could still be a bug.


The first reason they don't show is because either the image belongs to a video or is a .gif file.

There is no way to solve this.


The second reason why is because you've copied it onto your desktop and uploaded it; there is often an error with this which is most likely a bug.


The third reason is because you haven't copied the correct URL; once you have found the image, right-click it and 

press "Copy image" (I am on Google so this may be different on other browsers). If that does not work; right-click the image - click "Inspect" and find the source (src.) URL. 


Otherwise; there's nothing you can really do.




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Hi ! am here to say there is a problm with the Images, I wanted to remake my Lands Cards and the Image that I've already used, doesn't show when I preview it...




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Following.... Im having same issues.




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