Posted 24 July 2014 - 12:03 AM
Also, he has his own minions if you want an easier time to summon him, they are called War Drakes: image.jpg 96.42KB 1 downloads
Posted 24 July 2014 - 11:11 PM
The manacost for those badboys is MASSIVE; Most games end before you reach ten mana, especially if you play B/R.
To reach 9/9 with the WarDrakes, you need a hand of seven cards, which is basically your limit, so you'd have to hold back cards to utilize its full potential, which is a big no-no for red decks.
Also, there is no reason to make War Drake legendary. On the contrary: It restricts you to only control one at a time.
Not much to say about the big one; Just your avarage super giant legendary dragon. Although I would recommend putting the flavor text into [ ]'s or using MSE instead of the site's card maker.
Keep going!
Posted 25 July 2014 - 06:24 AM
Hehe the only way I can see them played is with Goryo's Vengeance like.. Red Mana Land -> Faithless Looting (Draw 2 cards Discard 2 Cards (The Drakes)) -> Turn 2 Draw 1 card play land you now have 5 cards in hand -> Goryo's Vengeance on a War Drake swing for 6 flying damage -> Next turn repeat with Scorvon the Apocalypse (2 untaped lands Swing for 11 or tap him to clear board.) and with some burn that will do the trick.
But i still see that the colors leave it quite weak, i say make it cards in opponents hand then it plays hard against control, and I'm sure you can cut a bit at the mana curve i say war drake can easy cost 5-6mana.
Regards Aztegio.
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